Hi Russ,
I just found this on your online DSSERVE help page:
POES and Metop Level 1b Dataset Remarks
You can access Metop FRAC AVHRR Level 1b or POES/NOAA AVHRR Level 1b files
downloaded from NOAA CLASS (http://www.class.noaa.gov) with the IMG* commands
by using DSSERVE to assign a dataset name to the files. When doing so, specify
"LV1B" in the format parameter, TYPE=IMAGE, and the directory and file masks in
the DIRFILE keyword. To process the data (during client command data requests)
using the file's line-by-line lat/lon navigation (rather than the orbital
navigation at the beginning of the file), also include the keyword INFO=LALO.
You can compare the two navigation types by using DSSERVE to make two datasets
that are identical except that one includes INFO=LALO.
Despite the .SV extension the CLASS files did work after added the dataset:
Image file directory listing for:596N/ALL
Pos Satellite/ Date Time Center Band(s)
sensor Lat Lon
--- ------------- ------------ -------- ---- ---- ------------
1 METOP-A 8 JUN 09159 09:40:36 65 -16 1-2,4-6
2 METOP-A 8 JUN 09159 08:00:10 71 -48 1-2,4-6
3 METOP-A 8 JUN 09159 11:20:13 68 6 1-2,4-6
4 NOAA-18 8 JUN 09159 03:12:59 72 -5 1-5
5 NOAA-19 8 JUN 09159 02:42:13 67 -8 1-5
imglist.k: done
McIDAS is so cool!
From: Russ Dengel <russd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 2:24 PM
Cc: mcidas-x@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [mcidas-x] SV file from CLASS archive
I can say that we have nothing that can read .SV (SystemVerilog) format
files. I'm not sure if Unidata has a reader or not.
Russ Dengel
On Jan 21, 2021, at 12:22 PM, Mullenax,
Robert R. (WFF-820.0)[ORBITAL SCIENCES CORPORATION] via mcidas-x
<mcidas-x@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:mcidas-x@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hello Tom,
I hope you are well. I obtained some AVHRR data from the NOAA CLASS archive
that is in .SV format, which I assume is a raw format. Is there a way to
convert that to McIDAS AREA format?
Thanks very much,
Robert Mullenax
Robert Mullenax
Staff Meteorologist
CSBF/Northrop Grumman
Palestine, Texas
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