[needdata] Two items: buoy SLP data East of Japan (2005-current), 2001 AVN grids?

I've received two distinct requests for data that isn't in our
archives and isn't at the tip of my fingers out in webland.  Any pointers
will be appreciated.

Request #1: Moored buoy SLP data near eastern coast of Northern Japan. Hourly fantastic, daily useful. From 2005 to current desirable, but even the the full year 2007 data would be helpful. I used the latlong box 35-50North and 142-160East in my search. Any lengthy somewhat continuous record is better than what I've been able to discover, either the record was short (longest 7-months, most under 2-months) or no SLP was available.

Request #2: AVN global 1x1 grids for January and February 2001. Our archive (00,12Z every 6 hours to 72, ever 24 hours from then on) doesn't begin until late August 2001, so if in the process I could fill out 2001, it'd be gravy.

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