No CD, but I have an exabyte (8mm) labeled Case Study #001 11-14 Mar 93 - I can
try to read the contents in and see if it has what they are looking for.
For the record, I also have Case Study #002 06 Dec 1995 - Midwest Snow Event
and Case Study 003 03 Aug 91 Hurricane Erin [yes, I never throw anything away
Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086 - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
From: needdata-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <needdata-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on
behalf of Jeff Weber <jweber@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 1:58 PM
To: needdata@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [needdata] COMET Case Study 001 - Storm of the Century
Hello Community,
I am hoping somebody out there held on to their COMET Case Study CD's. :)
Looking for CCS001 - Storm of the Century.
Yes, we provided this data at one time, but we have lost the master copy of
this one, and a community member wants it.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
Jeff Weber
Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
303-497-8676 jweber@xxxxxxxx<mailto:jweber@xxxxxxxx>