Hi all,
Old member of the Unidata community here, from back in the 90s and 00s. I work
at Pacific Gas & Electric. Our NOAAport feed is down because I failed to
recognize the old SES-1 satellite was being replace by Galaxy-28. It will
take me some time to get my dish repointed to G-28, so in the meantime I was
checking to see if anyone was willing to "allow" a NOAAport feed via LDM to our
primary and alternate, and our backup set: ebwxnrhout.comp.pge.com srwxrh01out.comp.pge.com srwxrh01-rcout.comp.pge.com ebwxnrh-rcout.comp.pge.com
Thanks for any assistance.
Mike Voss
Principal Meteorologist
Applied Technology Services | PG&E
Office: 925.866.5934 | Mobile: 408.807.3127