Re: creating netCDF XDR files with HDF 3.3 Beta Release 1

NOTE: The netcdf-hdf mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

>While HDF 3.3 Beta Release 1 lets us read and write standard (XDR)
>netCDF files, it will not let us create them (according to the README
>file).  It would greatly enhance our ability to communicate with our
>colleagues who only have netCDF if we could create XDR netCDF files,
>too.  Could this feature be added?
Before NCSA add this feature, how about using ncgen with CDL to create
an empty XDR netCDF file, then fill the data using multi-file SDS
interface?(I've never done that). 

| Chih-Hung Chen (Frank)                    | email: frank@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
| General Sciences Corp.(SAIC)              | fax  : (301) 286-3221           |
| Software Development - SeaWiFS Data System| voice: (301) 286-9531           |
| System/Network         SeaWiFS Project    |                                 |
| NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center          |                                 |
| Code 970.2                                |                                 |
| Greenbelt, Maryland 20771                 |                                 |

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