Re: how about adding cygwin to the list of supported HDF platforms?

NOTE: The netcdf-hdf mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Hi Ed,

> How about adding Cygwin to the supported platforms? In terms of
> porting it is almost identical to linux, and lots of people use it,
> and, most importantly, I use it...
    We've had requests for supporting Cygwin, but have always felt that we
didn't have the resources to adequately manage a port to it.

> I'm about to grab the 1.6.1 source and try it, so I'll let you know
> how it comes out.
    If it's not too difficult and you can help me get things set up, I wouldn't
mind getting it working on my Windows machine.

>From owner-netcdf-hdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 25 2003 Oct -0600 07:11:27 
Message-ID: <wrx65idxy0w.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 25 Oct 2003 07:11:27 -0600
From: Ed Hartnett <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
In-Reply-To: <200310251254.h9PCsani035701@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Quincey Koziol <koziol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: how often does HDF binary format change?
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Quincey Koziol <koziol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi Ed,
> > Greetings to HDF HQ from NetCDFville.
>     I see we're both early risers this morning... :-)

What kind of geek is programming at 6 am on a Saturday morning?

Our kind of geek, apparently!

> > I wonder how often you guys have to change the underlying binary
> > format of the data in support of new releases of HDF5?
>     We've tweaked the file format a little bit with each major release so far
> (and sometimes with minor releases also).  This shouldn't be a problem for
> applications which call the library though, since we provide full backward
> compatability. (and as much forward compatibility as possible)

So you guys are committed to always support any HDF5 files?

In 50 years, when we are old men, I will email you a file from last
week, and ask you to read it with the then-current HDF library. Will
you be able to?

> > And is there some format version number in the data file? I presume
> > there is.
>     We've learned that a single version number is not very useful, so we've
> learned to include version #'s on all the structures inside the file (we 
> missed
> a couple, but I'm trying to correct that :-).  This "micro-versioning" has 
> been
> very useful and should allow us to avoid major revisions of the "entire" 
> format
> for the foreseeable future.

How interesting! That's a great idea. What, for example, are some of
the structures that are versioned?


>From owner-netcdf-hdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 25 2003 Oct -0600 07:16:15 
Message-ID: <wrx1xt1xxsw.fsf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 25 Oct 2003 07:16:15 -0600
From: Ed Hartnett <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
In-Reply-To: <200310251310.h9PDAuuu038514@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Quincey Koziol <koziol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: how about adding cygwin to the list of supported HDF platforms?
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        for netcdf-hdf-out; Sat, 25 Oct 2003 07:16:16 -0600 (MDT)
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Cc: netcdf-hdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Elena Pourmal <epourmal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Quincey Koziol <koziol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>     If it's not too difficult and you can help me get things set up, I 
> wouldn't
> mind getting it working on my Windows machine.

I have the patch for 1.6.0 (which I got from you guys, donated by some
other user), and there were only a few changes. The patch failed, by
the way, but I just went in an applied each of about 4 changes
separately, and everything worked fine.

I'll let you know, I'm downloading 1.6.1 right now.


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