Re: code to write a bunch of integer records...

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Hi Ed,

> How does this code look? This is what I'm timing to get the baseline
> answer: how fast can HDF5 write a file of longs?
    I added a couple of comments about the datatypes you use below, but 
the code below looks good.


> Thanks!
> Ed
> #define NDIMS 3
> #define XLEN 2000
> #define YLEN 300
> #define ZLEN 500
> #define HDF5_FILE "/tmp/a1.h5"
> #define VAR_NAME "V"
>    hid_t hdfid, mem_spaceid, file_spaceid, datasetid, plistid;
>    hsize_t h5dim[] = {XLEN, YLEN, ZLEN}, h5count[] = {1, YLEN, ZLEN};
>    hssize_t h5start[] = {0, 0, 0};
>    hsize_t h5dimmax[] = {H5S_UNLIMITED, YLEN, ZLEN}, chunksize[NDIMS];
>    int *data;
>    /* Allocate memory for data and fill it with a phoney value. */
>    {
>       size_t len = YLEN*ZLEN*sizeof(int);
>       if (!(data = (int *)malloc(len)))
>        BAIL(-2);
>       for (i=0; i<YLEN*ZLEN; i++)
>        data[i] = i;
>    }
>       /* Create a HDF5 file, with an unlimited dimension, and write
>        the data that way. */
>       {
>        /* Create the file and dataset. */
>        if ((hdfid = H5Fcreate(HDF5_REC_FILE, H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
>                               H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) < 0)
>           BAIL(-1);
>        h5dim[0] = 0;
>        h5dim[1] = YLEN;
>        h5dim[2] = ZLEN;
>        if ((file_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, h5dim, h5dimmax)) < 0)
>           BAIL(-3);
>        if ((plistid = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) < 0)
>           BAIL(-10);
>        chunksize[0] = 1;
>        chunksize[1] = YLEN;
>        chunksize[2] = ZLEN;
>        if (H5Pset_chunk(plistid, NDIMS, chunksize) < 0)
>           BAIL(-11);
>        if ((datasetid = H5Dcreate(hdfid, VAR_NAME, H5T_STD_I32BE, 
> file_spaceid, plistid)) < 0)
    Although using 'H5T_STD_I32BE' is a very "apples-to-apples" comparison with
nc3, it does mitigate one of the advantages of HDF5 - writing in the machine's
native datatype without [potentially] forcing a conversion to big-endian data
on disk.  It would be more "HDF5-like" to use H5T_NATIVE_INT here.

>           BAIL(-4);
>        H5Sclose(file_spaceid);
>        H5Pclose(plistid);
>        /* Now write the data. Use the same mem space for all
>           writes. This memspace is only big enough to hold one
>           record. */
>        h5dim[0] = 1;
>        h5dim[1] = YLEN;
>        h5dim[2] = ZLEN;
>        if ((mem_spaceid = H5Screate_simple(NDIMS, h5dim, NULL)) < 0)
>           BAIL(-3);
>        for (h5start[0] = 0; h5start[0]<XLEN; h5start[0]++)
>        {
>           h5dim[0] = h5start[0] + 1;
>           if (H5Dextend(datasetid, h5dim) < 0)
>              BAIL(-3);
>           if ((file_spaceid = H5Dget_space(datasetid)) < 0)
>              BAIL(-3);
>           if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(file_spaceid, H5S_SELECT_SET, h5start,
>                                   NULL, h5count, NULL) < 0)
>              BAIL(-3);
>           if (H5Dwrite(datasetid, H5T_STD_I32BE, mem_spaceid,
>                        file_spaceid, H5P_DEFAULT, data))
    Also, the 'H5T_STD_I32BE' here is technically not a good idea because you
are "lying" to the HDF5 library about the datatype in memory, using
H5T_NATIVE_INT here is definitely correct.

>              BAIL(-5);
>           H5Sclose(file_spaceid);
>        }
>        /* Clean up. */
>        H5Sclose(mem_spaceid);
>        H5Dclose(datasetid);
>        H5Fclose(hdfid);
>       }

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