Re: New document: Example of mapping specification netcdf4 -> hdf5 [mcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]

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Hi Bob,
    Looks like a good start.  I'm hoping that the HDF5 API & format will be
able to fully support the netCDF4 API without requiring additional metadata
that netCDF4 needs to manage it's files, but we'll have to see how that plays
out.  Also, I think it would be nice if there was a way to avoid putting all
the netCDF data in a special group, but we'll have to see if that is possible


P.S. - The image in the document isn't loading...

[ Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, converting... ]
> All,
> To start the ball rolling (or to start another ball rolling), I prepared
> a new document,
>   "Strawhorse: NetCDF to HDF5 mapping"
> This document is a sketch of the kind of mapping specification I think 
> we
> need to create to define how netCDF4 will use HDF5.  Note that this is
>   an abstract, high level mapping, not a detailed implementation plan.
> This document is not intended to be the last word on any design issues,
> although it may help identify things that need to be discussed.
> Please find the draft at:
> -- 
> Robert E. McGrath  (HDF Java Team Leader)
> National Center for Supercomputing Applications
> University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
> Champaign, Illinois 61820
> (217)-333-6549
> mcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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