Revising numeric overflows document

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Hi all,
    I've posted a short document describing the changes I think are necessary
to accomodate supporting netCDF-3 datatype conversions here:

    Please comment and send suggestions to me.  If there's enough interest, we
can have a separate meeting to discuss the changes.

>From owner-netcdf-hdf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13 2004 Apr -0600 13:29:33 
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Date: 13 Apr 2004 13:29:33 -0600
From: Ed Hartnett <ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
In-Reply-To: <200404131619.i3DGJ3uP005981@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Subject: Re: Revising numeric overflows document
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Quincey Koziol <koziol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi all,
>     I've posted a short document describing the changes I think are necessary
> to accomodate supporting netCDF-3 datatype conversions here:
>     Please comment and send suggestions to me.  If there's enough interest, we
> can have a separate meeting to discuss the changes.
>     Quincey

Let me ask a question...

I would first define a dataset and set it's fill value.

Then I would pass a pointer to my version of the conversion function?
What would it do? Just copy the fill_buf to dst_buf?

Then I would try to transfer data.

Would I know that the callback function has been called? 


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