Re: zero length attrributes...

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I am trying to figure out how the WRF HDF5 files are put together, by looking at a sample file i was given.

I guess that the attribute H5_DimRank associates the dimensions in a data variable with the dimensions in the dim_table under the DIM_GROUP group.

but i cant figure out the specifics of this file, eg:

   float P(1, 4, 20, 10); // 4 800
      :H5_DimRank = 1, 5, 3, 4; // int
      :MemoryOrder = "XYZ";
      :FieldType = 104; // int
      :description = "pressure";
      :units = "pascals";
      :stagger = " ";

    float LU_INDEX(1, 20, 10); // 4 200
      :MemoryOrder = "XY ";
      :FieldType = 104; // int
      :description = "LAND USE CATEGORY";
      :units = " ";
      :stagger = " ";
      :H5_DimRank = 1, 5, 3; // int

can anyone explain?

the h5dim_table dump:


dim_name = "Time "
   dim_length =1
   dim_unlimited =1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(0)

dim_name = "west_east_stag "
   dim_length =11
   dim_unlimited =-1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(1)

dim_name = "south_north "
   dim_length =20
   dim_unlimited =-1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(2)

dim_name = "bottom_top "
   dim_length =4
   dim_unlimited =-1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(3)

dim_name = "west_east "
   dim_length =10
   dim_unlimited =-1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(4)

dim_name = "south_north_stag "
   dim_length =21
   dim_unlimited =-1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(5)

dim_name = "bottom_top_stag "
   dim_length =5
   dim_unlimited =-1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(6)

dim_name = "soil_layers_stag "
   dim_length =5
   dim_unlimited =-1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(7)

dim_name = "ext_scalar "
   dim_length =1
   dim_unlimited =-1
 } DIM_GROUP/h5dim_table(8)

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