Re: Schedule decision

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Quincey Koziol <koziol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

>     I was planning on including a hidden field to disambiguate objects that
> were created at the same time, so this wouldn't happen.  Since there's no
> advantage to using a creation order field instead of using the creation time
> when determining the n'th object inserted into a group (when factoring deleted
> objects into the equation), I'm still leaning toward using a time instead of 
> an
> index for this purpose.  Using the time provides the same functionality and
> adds information as well.
>     I'm still somewhat split on the issue however and would welcome persuasive
> arguments in favor of one mechanism or the other.  :-)  I'm also thinking 
> about
> including both fields (creation order and creation time) and allowing users to
> create an index on either, to suit their particular needs...


What happens is a machine with an inaccurate time adds a variable to a


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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