Seminar May 17: Integrating HDF with SRB

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Unidata guys,
I wanted to let you all know that Peter Cao (NCSA) and Michael Wan (SDSC) will give an Access Grid seminar May 17 describing our project to integrate HDF5 with the Storage Resource Broker.

I'm told the presentation will be webcast via the CI Channel. The URL is There is a link on that page to connect to live webcasts. A Real Player is required; a free player is available at

I attach a more detailed description of the presentation below.


--- Abstract ---

As part of the Cyberinfrastructure Seminar Series sponsored by NCSA and SDSC, NCSA software developer Peter Cao will give a presentation on Integrating HDF with the SRB from 1 to 2:30 p.m. (CST) on May 17 in Room 3414 of the Beckman Institute. The seminar will also be presented via the Access Grid. The seminar previously had been scheduled for May 3.

NCSA and SDSC are collaborating to integrate the NCSA HDF5 library and file format with the SDSC Storage Resource Broker (SRB). HDF5 is widely used in the scientific community, and the SRB is a powerful technology for collection management and distributed access, including access to HDF5 files. Unfortunately, access to individual objects (or parts of objects) in HDF files is not well supported in the SRB. Since HDF files can be extremely large, partial access is critical for many applications. This presentation will describe a joint NCSA/SCSC project whose goal is to provide effective object-level access to HDF5.

Mike Folk, Scientific Data Tech (HDF)
NCSA/U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign          217-244-0647 voice
605 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign IL 61820 217-244-1987 fax

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