Re: new alpha release of netCDF-4 on the ftp site...

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This does not seem to contain instructions specific to netcdf4. In particular, is this an all-in-one install, so that the right hdf5 is installed, or do I need to install hdf5 also? If the latter, which version of hdf5 do I need to get for maximum compatibility?


-Roy M.

Howdy all!

I have just put out a new alpha release of netCDF-4 on the netCDF-4
ftp site:

This alpha release corrects a bug in the handling of VLENs inside
compound types.

This alpha release does not yet compile with the HDF5 1.8.0 alpha
releases - that will the the feature of the next alpha release.

Thanks all!


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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