whither hdf5 1.8.0 beta?

NOTE: The netcdf-hdf mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

Can someone give me a semi-solid release date for hdf5 1.8.0beta/netcdf 4.0 beta? I've been trying to sell my colleagues on using netcdf 4.0 for a while now, but the lack of a firm release schedule makes planning really hard.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
NOAA/OAR/PSD  R/PSD1        Email  : Jeffrey.S.Whitaker@xxxxxxxx
325 Broadway                Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-124
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web    : http://tinyurl.com/5telg

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