Re: 1.8 file format

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Hi John,

On Jul 11, 2007, at 6:24 PM, John Caron wrote:

Quincey Koziol wrote:
Hi John,
On Jul 2, 2007, at 5:16 PM, John Caron wrote:
Hi Quincey:

Any idea when you will get to this?
Yes, one of the HDF5 developers here (Vailin Choi) is wrapping up some work on the 'h5stat' tool, which will probably take another 2-3 weeks. Then, she'll start updating the file format spec. and adding support for the new format changes to the 'h5check' tool (which validates that an HDF5 file conforms to the format spec.). So, in about a month, we'll be able to start feeding you updates to the file format spec. If you'd like to start earlier than that, I can guide you to the relevant portions of the source code, which are fairly isolated and reasonable well documented.

ok, that sounds good, how do i start?

Hmm, let's start with the updated superblock format, then the new object header format and new/updated object header messages and then we can proceed to the v2 B-trees and the fractal heap. My discussion below uses line #'s in the hdf5-1.8.0-beta2 release that we put out two weeks ago. You can create a file that uses all new format objects by setting the "latest format" file access property when the file is created.

So, for the changes to the superblock, you'll need to look in src/ H5Fsuper.c at the H5F_super_read() routine. Starting on line 262 you can see that the 'p' variable is used to walk through the buffer containing the superblock. First the fixed size portion is parsed, then the code splits to read the older version of the superblock (which might be worth a read to see if it aligns with your code) and then the new version of the superblock is parsed. A short while after that, the code checks for a superblock extension. The superblock extension is a more flexible way to add more information to the file's superblock, without forcing the superblock format to keep changing. The superblock extension is stored as an object header, with new pieces of superblock information stored as object header messages.

Let me know what your questions are about this section of code and we'll proceed from here.


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