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Hello, I'm Bon Ho. I'm interasting 'FVCOM model' for sediment transport and using visualization tool 'Tecplot'. FVCOM can make output file by netcdf and Tecplot can load data in hdf or hdf5. So, I want to install NetCDF 4 with HDF5 because NetCDF4 can be connect to HDF5 and Tecplot has HDF5 data loader But, When I installed NetCDF 4.0.1, I can see the problem in NetCDF's configure files. So I found answer to solve the problem but I can't yet... First, I'll introduce about some information for solve the problem. That's my computer status. CPU: Intel Core2Quad QX9650(3.0GHz) MainBoard: GIGA X38-DS4 Memory: PC2-6400 DDR2 2GB * 4 = 8GB VGA: Geforce 8800GTS 512MB Information of attached files. HDF5_configure.log -> I'm setup like to './configure --with-zlib=/usr/local/zlib --prefix=/usr/local/hdf5 --disable-shared >& HDF5_configure.log' HDF5_install.log NetCDF4_configure.log -> I'm setup like to './configure --with-hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5 --with-zlib=//usr/local/zlib --prefix=/usr/local/netcdf >& HDF5_configure.log' It's option of export export CC=gcc export F77=pgf77 export F90=pgf90 export FFLAGS='-03 xT -ip -no-prec-div -static' export CFLAGS='-fPIC' I did installed Fedora11 64bit (Full option) in My Computer. Then add more installed PGI 5.1 -> MPICH -> Intel C, Fortran Compiler -> zlib 1.2.3 -> HDF5 1.8.3 -> NetCDF 4.0.1 But, When I installed NetCDF 4.0.1, I can see the problem in NetCDF's configure files. So I found answer to solve the problem but I can't yet...
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data