Re: [netcdf-hdf] compiling error

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winthan <keshunli@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> hi ed,
> ÃÂÂÃÂÂ ÃÂÂ ÃÂÂ ÃÂÂ ÃÂÂi'm curious whether there are any API which vtk can 
> read the
> netcdf? furthermore, comparing to hdf5,what is the advantages of using
> netcdf?( is it because it can recognize hdf code?)
> thanks
> winthan

Sorry, I've never heard of vtk.

As for HDF5 vs. netCDF, I think the principle difference is that netCDF
is simpler to use, and HDF5 is more general and complete.

Data interoperability is another issue. NetCDF can write and read
classic format and HDF5 data files, HDF5 cannot read netCDF classic
format. So in that sense, netcdf has the advantage.


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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