Re: Netcdf for Java

SatyaPriya Takkallapally wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to develop a Java Applet which will read and display the
> values from a Netcdf file.But when I try to run the applet I get the
> following error.
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ucar/multiarray/Accessor
>         at BiomapApplet.init(
>         at Code)
>         at
> .
> I have set the classpath and the program for reading the Netcdf file works
> fine if I try to run it as a stand alone application. I get this problem
> only when I use the applet to read the Netcdf file.
> Can anybody please tell me where I am going wrong.
> Thanks,
> Satya

The problem is that your browser does not have the netcdf jar file in
its classpath. You might want to work through the tutorial, esp on

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