hi darien:
it may be a bug that's been fixed. what is date of jar file? send me netcdf file
and i'll check it with latest.
Hi support folks,
Has anyone experienced problems using the java netcdf libraries? We are
the files with C++ and using netcdf version 3.5. Just wondering if we
have an incompatibility problem.
Thanks for any info.
Darien Davis
Darien Davis
M/S/FS4 phone: 303-497-6347
325 Broadway email: davis@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Boulder, CO 80305
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Hi support folks,
<p>Has anyone experienced problems using the java netcdf libraries?
We are creating
<br>the files with C++ and using netcdf version 3.5. Just wondering if
<br>have an incompatibility problem.
<p>Thanks for any info.
<p>Darien Davis
Darien Davis
phone: 303-497-6347
email: davis@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Boulder, CO 80305</pre>
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Herb Grote wrote:
I checked with Mike Barth, since he uses the netCDF files
for point files extensively. He is using old netCDF code
that was written in FORTRAN and has no problems
reading the data. This would seem to indicate that any
recent changes that we made to the way we are storing
point data in netCDF format did not not require changes
to the standard netCDF access routines.
Interesting. I'm not sure what's wrong, then, because...
Could you duplicate the code I used to access netCDF
files in the old QCeditor and see if that works ?! I was
able to access the various netCDF data.
... I was just trying this as you were writing to me. :-)
Unfortunately, it won't work. The NetcdfFile object's
constructor fails. In other words, we can't even instan-
tiate the NetcdfFile object at all. This is true with
both the old netcdf library, and with the new one I down-
Hmmm. I know the libraries work with netcdf files I can
download (as example files) from the Unidata website. I
think our netcdf files are strange somehow.
The exact error is as follows, though I doubt it will
help much:
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
at java.lang.String.charAt(Unknown Source)
at ucar.netcdf.StringAttrVal.getNumericValue(Attribute.java:534)
at ucar.netcdf.StringAttrVal.getNumericValue(Attribute.java:539)
at ucar.netcdf.Attribute.getNumericValue(Attribute.java:248)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile$V1CharacterIo.fill(NetcdfFile.java:1236)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile$V1Io.initFillValue(NetcdfFile.java:1042)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile$V1Io.initFillValue(NetcdfFile.java:1054)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile$V1Io.<init>(NetcdfFile.java:797)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile$V1CharacterIo.<init>(NetcdfFile.java:1174)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile.V1IoFactory(NetcdfFile.java:1540)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile.readV1VarArray(NetcdfFile.java:1618)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile.readV1(NetcdfFile.java:1707)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile.<init>(NetcdfFile.java:130)
at ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile.<init>(NetcdfFile.java:148)
at fsl.netcdf.NetcdfConverter.main(NetcdfConverter.java:20)
That's the error with the old netcdf library; the new one's
stack trace is different, but the problem in both cases is
a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.
Chris G.
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