Re: NetCDF Java buglets?

Ian Darwin wrote:

probably better to download by ftp

OK, I found a smaller file, 1.5 MB or so, from a person that left here a year ago (the file is from 2002, and contains no patient data or anything else that would be considered confidential, though I'd still say it's not for general release).

The original ncdump program is quite happy with the file, but the
new NetcdFile class complains

File is truncated calculated size= 1562060 actual = 1562058

Hmmm, the larger files are off (in the same direction) by 4, this one is only off by two. I'll try to get one of the larger files for you if you don't find the issue in looking at this one file.

You should be able to ftp the 1.5M file from this URL:


Note that /priv is not listable, but I copied the above command line from a terminal window in which it succeeded.

Best of luck with it!


im not having any trouble with it. can you get the latest version and try? I did fix a few bugs along that line in the last month or two.

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