Brian Etheridge wrote:
I am reading in a netcdf file and applying subsetting and reduction
criteria. I am trying to get my head around the fact that a variable
can be based on less than the full set of available coordinate
variables. For example, in a FOAM netcdf file I am looking at there
are depth, lat and lon coordinate variables and a number of data
variables. One such variable is called ICEC and it is recorded at
only lat and lon.
My question is, if I am creating an output netcdf file which is going
to contain just the ICEC variable what should I output in the global
metadata? Should I output all three coordinate variables? What shape
should they be? What shape should they be when I include another
variable which is based on different coordinate variables and has
different shape?
You need to match the coordinate variables exactly with what the data
variable needs. If there are multiple coordinate systems, you must write
different coordinate variables for each.
You might want to look at some of the established conventions,
especially COARDS and CF-1, at: