You can look at the user manual at
it has some examples in the appendices.
good luck!
fabrice.ayreault@xxxxxxx wrote:
Hi John ,
Thanks for your answer but I have some problems again. So if you can show me an
example to read the data I join a netcdf file I want to read. The problem is
that I want to create a plot in 3 Dimensions with these data so I have to put
them into some tabs. I would like to create a program which works for all kind
of netcdf files.
This is the program I wrote .
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import ucar.netcdf.Attribute;
import ucar.netcdf.Netcdf;
import ucar.netcdf.NetcdfFile;
import ucar.netcdf.Variable;
import visad.VisADException;
public class Read {
static String fileName = "c:/";
public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException,
if (args.length > 0)
fileName = args[0];
try {
Netcdf nc = new NetcdfFile(fileName, true);
Variable lat = nc.get("NBLATITUDES75_103");
int nlats = lat.getLengths()[0];
double [] lats = new double[nlats];
int[] index = new int[1];
for (int ilat = 0; ilat < nlats; ilat++) {
index [0] = ilat;
lats[ilat] = lat.getDouble(index);
String latUnits = lat.getAttribute("units").getStringValue();
Variable lon = nc.get("NBLONGITUDES231_281");
int nlons = lon.getLengths()[0];
double [] lons = new double[nlons];
int[] index1 = new int[1];
for (int ilon = 0; ilon < nlons; ilon++) {
index1 [0] = ilon;
lons[ilon] = lon.getDouble(index1);
String lonUnits = lon.getAttribute("units").getStringValue();
Variable rh = nc.get("GRID_0001");
String rhUnits = rh.getAttribute("units").getStringValue();
System.out.println("Units rh : " +rhUnits);
int[] rhShape = rh.getLengths();
double[][] rhData = new double[rhShape[0]][rhShape[1]];
int[] ix = new int[2];
for (int ilat = 0; ilat < rhData.length; ilat++) {
ix[0] = ilat;
for (int ilon = 0; ilon < rhData[0].length ; ilon++) {
ix[1] = ilon;
rhData[ilat][ilon] = rh.getInt(ix);
} catch ( e) {
Thanks and Have a nice day