ok, thanks for letting me know
Hussein Yahia wrote:
Hello John,
I should have posted a second message, because the first was not
explicit. Sorry for that.
In fact here is the problem: I was reading a netcdf file containing a
variable of type "char".
In Java, chars are on 16 bits, but usually, programs that convert data
into chars follow a 8-bit pattern.
So in fact, MAMath.copyDouble was not faulty, it was in the way I read
and interpret the java chars that was problematic.
MAMath.copyDouble is not bugged.
Sorry for not having posted again.
Thanks for your mail.
Le 30 nov. 05 à 18:11, John Caron a écrit :
Hi Hussein:
Can you create a test program that reproduces the problem?
Hussein Yahia wrote:
Hello list,
I use the function MAMath.copyDouble in a java app, and it seems to
produce strange results sometimes. It seems really bugged: when
converting an Array of floats to an Array of Doubles, stranges
values are randomly generated in the output.
Is this a known issue ? Is there another routine that performs
similar (but correct !) job ?