Bjørge Solli wrote:
John Caron wrote:
Bjørge Solli wrote:
John Caron wrote:
Unidata Support wrote:
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To: support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Bj=F8rge_Solli?= <bjorge.solli@xxxxxxxx>
I am currently rewriting our xml-files to use the new aggregation
functionality in Thredds 3.4. I have looked over all the
documentation I could find on thredds and NcML but still have one
unansvered Q. Hope you can help:
In the old version we used AggServer with an xml-statement like this:
<aggregation serviceName=".." aggType=".." varType=".." varUnit".."
dateFormat="yyyy/M/d:hh:mm:ss z">
<fileAccess urlPath=""
coord="2003/05/28:00:00:00 GMT" />
My remaining Q is where I should write dateFormat now. I have
something like this:
<variable name="time" type="int" shape="time">
<attribute name="units" value=".." />
<attribute name="_CoordinateAxisType" value="Time" />
Here you are defining a time coordinate of dataType "int"
I see I omitted the units-value, it is "secs since 1970-01-01
00:00:00". This is a value I don't think my research coworkers want
to change since I understand it is some standard in their field. The
one in charge are on holidays, so will have to wait till he's back
for the definite answer.
yes thats a udunit string, which thredds also uses.
but if you use this, then you must write the correct integer values in
the coord field.
Thankyou very much for the advice.
I am wondering if there exist a document with all the allowed attribute
names, like "_CoordinateAxisType". The xsd-schemas for netcdf/thredds
does noe mention this as far as I can see. nor any other documents I
have found so far.
Any attributes can be added to a Netcdf file. The _CoordinateAxis are special
because they allow higher layers of the library to understand what the data
means. These are documented at: