Station data and Opendap

To John Caron,

So the station and trajectory features of the java netcdf library are coming on line. Is there now, or will there be, a way to get subsets of the data (equivalent to the subsetting methods like StationDatasetHelper.getStations(boundingBox, cancel) and StationDatasetHelper.getStationObs(boundingBox, startTime, endTime, cancel) via opendap?

And can you confirm that opendap for netcdf probably won't support constraint expressions for these point dataset .nc files (which would be another way to accomplish the same goal)?

Is there, or will there be, any way to subset point dataset .nc files via opendap (short of the client reading all of the data and subsetting it)?


Bob Simons
Satellite Data Product Manager
Environmental Research Division
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
1352 Lighthouse Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950-2079
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