Hi Matt:
There is a helper class ucar.nc2.dt.grid.NetcdfCFWriter which will write Grids
to netcdf-3/CF files. To create a Grid, the correct coordinate system must be
found. This is done through a CoordSysBuilder class. Its not trivial, but there
are examples in ucar.nc2.dataset.conv package. Some details are at:
Matt Foster wrote:
I have some badly formed netCDF that I'm trying to get to CF-compliant
using netcdf-Java (2.2.22). The bad nc file has the data, lat and lon
points and attributes for a Lambert Conformal projection, but it has no
GeoX/GeoY points, and the dimensions aren't even set right. It's really
a mess.
I've been working on using latLonToProj in the LambertConformal class to
get the lats and lons into Ys and Xs, but that's about as far as I can
get. At that point I start getting confused about CoordinateSystems and
their relationship to NetcdfDatasets.
Can someone help this newbie get the rest of the way?
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