Hi Jon:
1) y coordinate is missing units attribute
2) latitude unit should be "degrees_north", not "degrees"
3) longitude unit should be "degrees_east", not "degrees"
4) most of the the data variables have "_CoordinateAxes" attributes missing the
time coordinate, eg:
:_CoordinateAxes = "longitude latitude y x ";
should be:
:_CoordinateAxes = "longitude latitude y x time ";
The rule for "_CoordinateAxes" is that they have to be complete, if you are
going to use them. If
you left "_CoordinateAxes" off, then the CF-1.0 convention
:coordinates = "longitude latitude";
would work, since the coordinate variables (x,y,time) would be automatically
Jon Blower wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use the Java NetCDF libraries (2.2.22) to read Arctic
> ocean data over OPeNDAP. The data are in polar stereographic
> projection. However, the following short program (which works fine
> for many other datasets) returns zero Grids:
> NetcdfDataset nc = NetcdfDataset.openDataset(url, true, null);
> GridDataset gd =
> (GridDataset)TypedDatasetFactory.open(DataType.GRID, nc, null, null);
> System.out.println(gd.getGrids().size()); // prints out "0"
> The URL to the OPeNDAP site is
> http://topaz.nersc.no/thredds/dodsC/topaz/mersea-ipv2/arctic/tmipv2a-class1-be.
> The results of performing an ncdump on this URL (using toolsUI) are
> attached. toolsUI also fails to recognize any Grids in this dataset.
> Can anyone advise on what might be the problem here? Is the metadata
> of the dataset incorrectly specified?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jon
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