Re: [netcdf-java] Combining NcFiles

Does this work for you? ncrcat is my best friend for doing exactly what you described.

Christopher Mueller wrote:

I have a question about combining two netcdf datasets.  I am currently
downloading datasets from an opendap site, the result of which is a separate
file for each timestep.  Each file contains the same lat/lon/depth
dimensions and have the same variables, so aside from the time that the file
represents and the data contained within the variables, the files are
identical.  I¹m looking for a way to append all of the files together
programmatically (I know there are applications which can append, but I need
to do it in my own code).

Do I have to tear each file apart and ³rebuild² the variables ³by hand², or
is there a way I can ³join² the files together at a ³higher level²??

Can some one help me out with this??

Thank you in advance,


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