Hi Valerio:
1. 2.2 does not support writing large file.
2. 4.0 had various bugs which should now be fixed. I will release 4.0.17 later
today. you must add
to enable files > 2 Gb.
3. for performance, call
before the create() call. with this, it took 267 secs to run on my windows
the most performance is to write the data in physical order. when i did that,
the program completed in 72 secs. below is modified version of your program.
thanks for helping to debug!
public void testBig() throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
long start = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("Begin <=");
String varName = "example";
int timeSize = 8;
int latSize = 8022;
int lonSize = 10627;
System.out.println("File size (B) = " + (long) timeSize * latSize *
lonSize * 4);
System.out.println("File size~ (MB) = " + Math.round((long) timeSize *
latSize * lonSize * 4 / Math.pow(2, 20)));
NetcdfFileWriteable ncFile =
long approxSize = (long) timeSize * latSize * lonSize * 4 + 4000;
String timeUnits = "hours since 2008-06-06 12:00:0.0";
String coordUnits = "degrees";
Dimension[] dim = new Dimension[3];
dim[0] = setDimension(ncFile, "time", timeUnits, timeSize);
dim[1] = setDimension(ncFile, "lat", coordUnits, latSize);
dim[2] = setDimension(ncFile, "lon", coordUnits, lonSize);
ncFile.addVariable(varName, DataType.FLOAT, dim);
ncFile.addVariableAttribute(varName, "_FillValue", -9999);
ncFile.addVariableAttribute(varName, "missing_value", -9999);
System.out.println("Creating netcdf <=");
long stop = System.nanoTime();
double took = (stop - start) * .001 * .001 * .001;
System.out.println("That took "+took+" secs");
start = stop;
System.out.println("Writing netcdf <=");
int[] shape = new int[]{1, 1, lonSize};
float[] floatStorage = new float[lonSize];
Array floatArray = Array.factory(float.class, shape, floatStorage);
for (int t = 0; t < timeSize; t++) {
for (int i = 0; i < latSize; i++) {
int[] origin = new int[]{t, i, 0};
ncFile.write(varName, origin, floatArray);
System.out.println("Done <=");
stop = System.nanoTime();
took = (stop - start) * .001 * .001 * .001;
System.out.println("That took "+took+" secs");
start = stop;
private static Dimension setDimension(NetcdfFileWriteable ncFile, String
name, String units, int length) {
Dimension dimension = ncFile.addDimension(name, length);
ncFile.addVariable(name, DataType.FLOAT, new Dimension[]{dimension});
ncFile.addVariableAttribute(name, "units", units);
return dimension;