I am trying to query a subsetted GeoGrid for 'vertical axis', and
it returns false when I know that the data has vertical axis.
The original grid does return 'true' for the presence of vertical axis,
so it looks like the flag (hAxis/pAxis/zAxis) is not getting set after
subsetting the GeoGrid.
Just wanted to report this as this method has been a loyal gatekeeper
for me when I am trying to get vertical coordinate data when there is none.
example code:
String uri='http://www.gri.msstate.edu/rsearch_data/nopp/bora_feb.nc';
String var='temp';
GridDataset gid = GridDataset.open(uri);
GeoGrid Grid = gid.findGridByName(var);
GridCoordSys gcs = (GridCoordSys) Grid.getCoordinateSystem();
boolean vAxis = gcs.hasVerticalAxis(); // returns true.
// subset geogrid
GeoGrid subg = Grid.subset(null,null,null,1,1,1);
GridCoordSys gcs2 = (GridCoordSys) subg.getCoordinateSystem();
boolean vAxis2 = gcs2.hasVerticalAxis(); // returns false, should
return true.
Sachin Kumar Bhate, Research Associate
MSU-High Performance Computing Collaboratory, NGI
John C. Stennis Space Center, MS 39529