I am trying to use the GeoGrid.subset operation in the 2.2.22 jar. My
input data set is global one minute bathy (the full Gebco data set),
so lat extends from -90 to +90 = 10801 points, and lon extends -180 to
+180 = 21601 points.
I need to slice off north and south of 85 degrees lat (in order to
tile for google maps), so I build a bounds:
LatLonRect bounds = new LatLonRect( new LatLonPointImpl
( -85, -180 ),
170, 360 );
and call GeoGrid.subset on my input GeoGrid to produce say GG2. This
works fine.
But I then go onto to subset GG2, to get say just the northwest
quarter of the 'world' , and I get the following error
at ucar.ma2.Range.element(Range.java:337)
at ucar.ma2.Range.<init>(Range.java:312)
at ucar.nc2.Variable.makeSectionRanges(Variable.java:421)
at ucar.nc2.Variable.read(Variable.java:603)
at ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS._read(VariableDS.java:279)
at ucar.nc2.Variable.read(Variable.java:643)
at ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D.readValues(CoordinateAxis1D.java:
at ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1D.doRead(CoordinateAxis1D.java:431)
at ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridCoordSys.getBoundingBox(GridCoordSys.java:879)
at ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridCoordSys.<init>(GridCoordSys.java:384)
at ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GeoGrid.subset(GeoGrid.java:632)
at ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GeoGrid.subset(GeoGrid.java:591)
at glmpc.worldmap.tools.GebcoTiler.main(GebcoTiler.java:
I have no idea why this is happening. I can try to provide code and
datafile if necessary.
Maybe Geogrid subsetting can not extend past one subset operaion. Is
there shared state among the Geogrids maybe?
Any help gratefully appreciated.
Of course if any one has already cut up this dataset for Google Maps
tiles I would very much like to talk to you ;)