Hi all (esp John),
I just tried to acquire() a NetcdfDataset from cache without any
enhancement. The javadocs say that I can do this by passing null as
the enhancement enum, e.g:
NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset(null, filename, null, -1, null, null);
However, I found this gave a NullPointerException (in hashCode() I
think). Changing the relevant null to an empty EnumSet fixed the
NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset(null, filename,
EnumSet.noneOf(Enhance.class), -1, null, null);
Could either the javadocs or the code be fixed please?
Cheers, Jon
Dr Jon Blower
Technical Director, Reading e-Science Centre
Environmental Systems Science Centre
University of Reading
Harry Pitt Building, 3 Earley Gate
Reading RG6 6AL. UK
Tel: +44 (0)118 378 5213
Fax: +44 (0)118 378 6413