Thanks John,
The server is a Dapper server. Hopefully, Joe is looking in on the
discussion and can tell us where we went wrong in the set up. :-)
John Caron wrote:
hi roland:
it looks like a bug in the DAS:
String sensor heights (agl) "Winds 3.4 m
I think
sensor heights (agl)
should be a single token or something.
What is the server? It doesnt look like a TDS. Is it hyrax ?
The underlying file might be a new version of netcdf that allows blanks in the
attribute names, and the server doesnt yet know how to deal.
Roland Schweitzer wrote:
Sorry for the cross post. :-)
I've attempted to read the following data source:
with the Java netCDF library:
IO error = Cant open
or as DODS
Error: Expected an attribute type. Such as Byte, Int32, String, et c.
followed by a name and value.
The offending line contained the token: 'sensor'
ParseException Message: 'Encountered "(agl)" at line 602, column 31.
Was expecting one of:
"," ...
";" ...
And with Ferret linked with the C++ client library:
yes? use
**Internet Data error
OPeNDAP Error: Error parsing the text on line 602 at or
near: (agl)
Expected an attribute type (Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Float32,
Float64, String or Url) followed by a name and value.
(OPeNDAP/netCDF Error code 1001)
Data set:
I don't understand what is going wrong here. I am not the originator of
these data, but perhaps I can work with them to resolve the problem once
I know what's wrong.
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