-----Original Message-----
From: Tor Christian Bekkvik
Sent: 28. oktober 2008 16:17
To: 'support-netcdf-decoders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Cc: Kjell Røang
Subject: Name lost in GRIB netcdf decoder
It seems that the 'name' GRIB parameter is lost in the GRIB/netcdf decoder..
Example line from ncep grib table:
2:PRMSL:Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
Here, name='PRMSL' and description='Pressure reduced to MSL'.
Debugging indicates that GRIB 'description' is used placed where 'name' seems
more correct.
As a result, 'name' in 'new GribVariable (String name, String desc, ..)' is
based on ucar.grib.Parameter.getDescription(), and I found no way to retreive
the 'name' parameter via NetCDF reader.
Original code, from ucar.nc2.iosp.grib.Index2NC:
static public String makeVariableName(Index.GribRecord gr, TableLookup
lookup) {
Parameter param = lookup.getParameter(gr);
String levelName = makeLevelName( gr, lookup);
return (levelName.length() == 0) ? param.getDescription() :
param.getDescription() + "_" + levelName;
void open(...){
String name = makeVariableName( gribRecord, lookup);
GribVariable pv = (GribVariable) hcs.varHash.get(name); // combo gds,
param name and level name
if (null == pv) {
String pname = lookup.getParameter(gribRecord).getDescription();
pv = new GribVariable( name, pname, hcs, lookup);
Suggested change:
String shortname = param.getName();
If (levelName.length() == 0)
shortname + "_" + levelName;
pv = new GribVariable(shortname, pname, hcs, lookup);
Would this help ?
(or could it give unwanted side-effects, since 'name' is also used for
map-lookup ?)
Tor Chr Bekkvik