I'm trying to define the "values" in a "variable" that is within a
"structure" type "variable". When I try to read them, I get:
at ucar.nc2.dataset.NetcdfDataset.readMemberData(NetcdfDataset.java:961)
at ucar.nc2.Variable._readMemberData(Variable.java:931)
at ucar.nc2.dataset.VariableDS._readMemberData(VariableDS.java:302)
at ucar.nc2.Variable.readMemberOfStructureFlatten(Variable.java:659)
at ucar.nc2.Variable.read(Variable.java:635)
It looks like it is trying to delegate the reading to "orgFile" which is
apparently null. My NcML has no referenced dataset. I am using
"explicit". The reading of values works fine in a top level variable.
I'm using toolsUI-2.2.20.jar.
The key bits of my NcML look like:
<variable name="time" type="double">
<values start="0.0" increment="3600000.0"/>
<variable name = "spectrum" type="structure">
<variable name="frequency" type="double">
<values start="0.0" increment="10.0"/>
<variable name="value" type="double">