Hi John,
two items: a small one and a (maybe) big one.
First, on page
the link to netcdfAll-4.0.jar actually points to netcdf-4.0.jar.
Second, the latest netcdfAll-4.0.jar does not read the RUC grib2 files
correctly, at least as I'm using it. It doesn't find the hybrid dimension.
Here's a snip from ncfile.toString():
ncfile is netcdf /public/data/grids/ruc/hyb_A252/grib2/0905622000003 {
time = 1;
y = 225;
x = 301;
depth_below_surface = 5;
depth_below_surface1 = 1;
depth_below_surface2 = 2;
depth_below_surface3 = 1;
height_above_ground = 1;
height_above_ground1 = 1;
pressure_difference_layer = 1;
bounds_dim = 2;
float Pressure(time=1, y=225, x=301);
:units = "Pa";
:long_name = "Pressure @ hybrid";
:missing_value = -9999.0f; // float
:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal";
:GRIB_param_discipline = "Meteorological_products";
:GRIB_param_category = "Mass";
:GRIB_param_name = "Pressure";
:GRIB_param_id = 2, 0, 3, 0; // int
:GRIB_product_definition_type = "Analysis/forecast at horizontal
:GRIB_level_type = 105; // int
And here's some output from wgrib2 on the same file:
>wgrib2 /public/data/grids/ruc/hyb_A252/grib2/0905622000003|more
1:0:d=2009022522:PRES:1 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
2:70425:d=2009022522:PRES:2 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
3:140762:d=2009022522:PRES:3 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
4:211202:d=2009022522:PRES:4 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
5:281657:d=2009022522:PRES:5 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
6:351773:d=2009022522:PRES:6 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
7:421147:d=2009022522:PRES:7 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
8:489799:d=2009022522:PRES:8 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
9:557601:d=2009022522:PRES:9 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
10:624657:d=2009022522:PRES:10 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
11:691379:d=2009022522:PRES:11 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
12:758346:d=2009022522:PRES:12 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
13:825473:d=2009022522:PRES:13 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
14:892604:d=2009022522:PRES:14 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
15:959705:d=2009022522:PRES:15 hybrid level:3 hour fcst:
Is this a problem with our grib tables not having information about
hybrid levels?
On 2/19/2009 5:28 PM, John Caron wrote:
Version 4.0 is now the the stable release for the Netcdf-Java library. It is
available at
Version 4.0 continues to evolve with new features. However, a stable release
means that we will keep
future changes to the API backwards compatible to the public API at:
Version 2.2 is on "maintenence only" mode. We encourage you to switch to 4.0 to
take advantage of
many significant improvements and bug fixes.
Please report problems, bugs and suggested improvements to
There are API changes that you may see when you start using 4.0 with an
application that has been
using 2.2. These are mostly minor and in all cases have equivalent or improved
functionality in 4.0.
Most of the changes are in implementation classes not often used by
applications. More info is at:
The license for netcdf-java 4.0 has been changed from LGPL to the "MIT-style"
license used by the
netCDF C library. This is intended to remove perceived barriers to use by some
commercial companies.
We anticipate continued contributions of bug fixes and enhancements by the
netcdf-java mailing list
For list information or to unsubscribe, visit: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/mailing_lists/
William R. Moninger http://www-frd.fsl.noaa.gov/~moninger/
NOAA / Earth Systems Research Laboratory / Global Systems Division
325 Broadway, R/GSD1 voice: 303-497-6435
Boulder, CO 80305 fax: 303-497-3329