[netcdf-java] ArrayChar problem

Hi all
   I'm having this problem: I'm trying to write a string data, so I tried
what appears in this example:

Basically: I create an ArrayChar and then write it with nc.writeStringData,
but I get an exception: Must be of type String

if (values.getElementType() != String.class)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be ArrayObject of String ");

I took a look into the code and ArrayChar returns char:
The code for getElementType() is:

 /** Return the element class type */
  public Class getElementType() { return char.class; }

So, I tried to use ArrayObject ...

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: variable INSI is not type CHAR
this is because of this:

 if (v2.getDataType() != DataType.CHAR)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("variable " + varName + " is
not type CHAR");

Ok, I had the var created with dataType.String, So I changed it to Char

My question is: is this ok? should I create a var of type char then create
an ArrayObject of Strings and then write that using writeStringData?
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