Hello netcdf-java folks,
Thanks to good help from the netcdf-java staff, I'm now able to read and
generate soundings from RUC files in netCDF, grib, and grib2 format. Its
really nice to be able to use the same code for all three formats.
Unfortunately, I find that, at least as I've implemented it, netcdf-java
is 20% to 50% slower than my previous methods (using C).
Moreover, it appears that java 1.6 is slower than 1.5 (though I haven't
recompiled the underlying UCAR code in 1.6--only my code).
If folks have any thoughts about how to speed things up, I will be much
obliged to hear them.
William R. Moninger http://www-frd.fsl.noaa.gov/~moninger/
NOAA / Earth Systems Research Laboratory / Global Systems Division
325 Broadway, R/GSD1 voice: 303-497-6435
Boulder, CO 80305 fax: 303-497-3329