Jon Blower wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks very much for this, I'll look at Lorenzo's repository. Is
> there a clear distinction between "compile-time" and "run-time"
> dependencies? For example, in my experience I don't code against
> stuff in the opendap.jar library, but this is used at run-time by nj4
> to access opendap servers. But maybe there are cases where this
> library would be needed at compile time for an application?
you can see the distinction in the build.xml:
<fileset id="compileFromSrc.libraries" dir="${root.dir}">
<include name="lib/${ehcache.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${grib.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${opendap.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${httpclient.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${jdom.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${loggingAPI.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${visadNoDods.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${jgoodies.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${lucene.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${spring.jar}"/>
<include name="lib/${stax.jar}"/>
<fileset id="runtime.libraries" dir="${lib.dir}">
<include name="release/${bufrTables.jar}"/>
<include name="external/${http-codec.jar}"/>
<include name="external/${http-logging.jar}"/>
<include name="external/${logging-minimal.jar}"/>
<include name="external/${jpeg2000.jar}"/>