Re: [netcdf-java] grib read error

Ethan made a release yesterday (4.0.41) that should have this fix in it, including ncIdv.jar.

Don Murray wrote:
Hi Sachin-

We recently found this bug with another dataset and it has been
fixed.  It was a bug introduced in the grib reading library.
However, a new release of netCDF-Java with the
fix is pending the repair of John's machine. ;-)


Sachin Kumar Bhate wrote:

We are trying to read the coordinate variables from a grib file, but
somehow the variable array is being populated with the same 1st value.

1. Check screen grab lon values in latest toolsUI (Version at

2. The other strange thing is that Rich is using the latest toolsUI as well on a machine that does not have latest JVM (i.e. 1.6) and on that machine the lon variables
   show up correctly... check his screen grab,

Looks like the attribute 'grid_spacing' in step 1 above is not set properly.
It says '0.0 degrees_east', while it should be '0.25 degrees_east'.

The file we are trying to read is at

The netcdf file for above grib file (converted using NCL) is at

Any comments,



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