Re: [netcdf-java] problem getting axistype

Jon Blower wrote:
Hi John,

The underlying question is, why doesn't java-netcdf recognize the axis
type?  Previously (with the same dataset) the axis was recognized as
GeoX/GeoY, but now something has changed and it isn't.  I think
something has changed with the remote dataset but I can't see from the
metadata (Adit provided an ncdump) what is wrong.  The dataset is in
polar stereographic projection - is the metadata set up incorrectly or
is there a bug in java-netcdf?

Cheers, Jon

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 5:26 PM, John Caron <caron@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Adit:

The AxisType is optional, so you need to check for null.

ok, thats a clearer question. Adit, can you send me the actual file?

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