Esmaeilzadeh, Ehsan wrote:
Hello Mr. John Caron,
I am trying to use the java to read a nteCDF weather data, but I am
not sure where to start and how to proceed. I see you have a list of
libraries here, I guess I can choose the second one which has all the
libraries in it. So what is next ? after I downloaded the jar file,
where exactly should I copy that too ? How would I open the file then ?
sorry I am not really familiar with java, and would appreciate it if you
walk me through this, thank you.
Hi Ehsan:
Why dont you use the ToolsUI GUI program, or the IDV, to open your files:
Unless you are a Java programmer, the library itself wont be much use to you.
Also, you should ask your questions to the netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx public
mailgroup, or to support-netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.