The Variable in question right now is my "time" coordinate variable with
unlimited dimension. Would "time" as a Sequence play nicely in that
context? I suppose the "right" thing to do would be to step back and
make a Sequence with time as a member.
It still seems that it would make sense to "section" a Variable with an
EMPTY Range. Does that break fundamental assumptions to have a
zero-length Variable? Where is Range.EMPTY used?
john caron wrote:
Its possible you want a Sequence, which is allowed to be empty.
Doug Lindholm wrote:
I was pleased to discover Range.EMPTY, but disappointed that Variable
and Array's "section" methods don't play nicely with it.
My use case involves applying a constraint to the data (e.g. time <
10) which may result in zero samples. "null" isn't a good option,
because I still want to be able to access a Variable's metadata.
Any suggestions for making a Variable empty?
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