Hi Jon-
Jon Blower wrote:
Thanks Don, that's very helpful. I guess as a workaround I could just
set the bbox to [-180,-90,180,90] for a VerticalPerspectiveView? It's
only a hint to a Web Map Service, so it won't affect any calculations.
You could have a VerticalPerspective projection and only be showing a
piece of the image and in that case the lat/lon box would be defined
(e.g. a blowup of the grib file over Africa). So, if the rectangle has
any missing values, maybe default to that.
I've attached an image from the IDV of the file you sent. It shows why
you have NaNs (box defines the projection) and some of the issues with
the projection (map doesn't line up with features exactly).
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Don Murray <dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The grib data represent a disc of the earth so the corners are off the
earth, thus the NaN's. Even so, the VerticalPerspectiveView does not
presently support a non-spherical earth, so the data are not exactly
navigated. This is a known issue and one that we have not yet had the time
to address.
Don Murray
Jon Blower wrote:
We have a GRIB file can mostly be read using NetCDF-Java, except that
the GridCoordSystem's lat-lon bounding box is a set of four NaNs. It
uses a VerticalPerspectiveView projection. The attached test file may
help to diagnose the problem and produces the following output:
class ucar.unidata.geoloc.projection.VerticalPerspectiveView
ll: NaNS NaNW+ ur: NaNS NaNW
The data file itself can be downloaded from
Can anyone offer any pointers? Is there a bug in the
VerticalPerspectiveView code?
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Don Murray UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628 Boulder, CO 80307