Hi all,
I am not sure if this is something feasible or not, but, even if I
have great respect for Martin (hi Martin) and the geotoolkit project,
I would hope in something slightly different (even if I still do not
know what...).
I for example am using geotools and netcdf (geotools preocesses them
also) a lot for modeling in JGrass. I do not care that much about
people prefering one or the other project (that's life in forks and is
ok to me), but I really would not like be penalized to be using
geotools over geotoolkit. If this should happen I can't imagine how
many problems might rise for me (me==geotools user that need netcdf)
since the coexistence of the two fork-libs is not well feasible.
Does that make some sense? I would love to hear comments on that.
Best regards,
> Just to add my $0.02 - I think it would be great if NetCDF-Java could use
> Geotoolkit (which I prefer to GeoTools) to handle
> projections, ellipsoids etc. The CF projections are (I think) a small subset
> of the projections that Gtk can handle so hopefully
> this might not be too much work. I could probably help if required.
> (perhaps the weight of the dependency could be reduced by stripping out the
> stuff that isn't necessary for nj4? Might require a
> special build?)
> Cheers, Jon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: netcdf-java-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:netcdf-java-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Caron
> Sent: 24 March 2010 19:46
> To: Martin Desruisseaux
> Cc: netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [netcdf-java] ncWMS and ellipsoid-support in CF-1.2
> Wow, thats great news Martin, Ill check it out ASAP.
> Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
>> Hello Jon
>> Le 24/03/10 19:43, John Caron a écrit :
>>> Thanks for reminding me of geotools. I have it on my (long) list of
>>> possibilities. I have looked at it in the past, but it was difficult to
>>> see what dependencies were actually needed (thanks for the summary). The
>>> other advantages you mention are also alluring.
>> Actually this is no longer GeoTools, but a fork of GeoTools created 10
>> months ago. The raison for the fork are out of scope of this mailing
>> list, but the result is that the referencing module in Geotoolkit is
>> cleaner, more stable and performant than it was in GeoTools and the list
>> of dependencies has been reduced. The module is also provided with all
>> its dependencies as a single JAR file for those who don't want to handle
>> many JAR files, and a new release is made every months.
>>> We would have to write an adapter from our Projection interface to
>>> whatever API geotools uses. Also translate CF parameter conventions for
>>> each projection. Its possible we could keep it as an optional jar, for
>>> those concerned about size.
>> This is already partially done. The following package contains adapters
>> for NetCDF API (note: this package didn't existed in GeoTools). It
>> should allows NetCDF users to use some of the Geotoolkit referencing
>> engine with NetCDF CoordinateSystem objects, while I have not yet tested
>> extensively that interoperability:
>> http://www.geotoolkit.org/apidocs/org/geotoolkit/referencing/adapters/package-summary.html
>> There is also code in other packages that translate some attributes from
>> CF conventions to ISO 19115-2 metadata.
>> Regards,
>> Martin
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