Hello all
In case it may be of any use, we are deploying the NetCDF libraries on this
Maven repository:
The pom.xml files should already have the dependencies defined as accuratly as I
can, and also contains metadata like the declaration of MIT license, the links
to UNIDATA web site and to the mailing list. So if there us a volunter for
uploading those artefact to the central Maven repository, just copying the
pom.xml with minor editions would hopefully be okay.
I'm aware that the University of Florence also deploy the NetCDF libraries, but
they use a different groupID ("essi-unidata") and artifactID. The GeoTools
project used the "edu.ucar" groupID and "netcdf" artifactID since NetCDF 2.2.20,
and it seems to me that "edu.ucar" is closer to the common practice (groupID are
often similar to the package names), so I continued on that path for the
GeoToolkit project.
The above Maven repository does not provide the grib.jar file, because it
depends on jpeg2000.jar and it was not clear to me if the jpeg2000 licence
allowed me to distribute it. So I leaved it out for now...
I can can volonter for updating the pom.xml files for future 4.x versions of the
NetCDF library, but we would probably need someone else with credential for
uploading to the central repo.