[netcdf-java] library distribution questionnaire

We are interested in your feedback on how we distribute the netcdf-java/CDM software. Please respond to just me, unless you have comments of general interest to the group.
Please answer the following questions, and feel free to add comments. Mark all 
that apply.

A.1 Using the CDM library

 1. I prefer the "all in one jar" library, using netcdfAll.jar or toolsUI.jar

 2. I prefer building from source.

 3. I prefer the "unbundled" library, so I can use just the jars that I need.

A.2 If you are interested in using the unbundled jars, please mark the ones you 
need (or dont need) (You might want to review the info at 

 1. netcdfUI.jar (unbundled ToolsUI classes)
2. grib

 3. bufr

 4. opendap

 5. mcidas files

 6. gempak files

 7. other, namely:

 8. Id like to see the following functionality subset packaged into a jar:

B.1 Source code usage

 1. I dont use the CDM source code

 2. I use the source from ncSrc.jar

 3. I use, or would like to use, the svn repository at 

 4. I would prefer to get source in the following way:

B.2 Source code building

 1. I use the ant build scripts in ncSrc.jar

 2. I use, or would like to use Maven to build the source

 3. I use an IDE like Eclipse/NetBeans/IntelliJ to build, namely:

C. Logging

1. I prefer using log4j logging

2. I prefer using JDK logging

3. I use a different logging package, namely:

4. I dont care, I use whatever is the default

Please add any other feedback on jar files, source code, release process, etc.


John Caron

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