Re: [netcdf-java] [netcdfgroup] NetCDF jars=>Maven Central Repos?

Le 02/11/10 19:27, John Caron a écrit :
Ok, ive caught up (sort of) with this thread, so let me summarize some of the
issues from my POV:


2) version dependencies are not clear
we dont use versions to manage our dependencies, so we havent kept up with this.
however, theres no reason we cant do this better for stable releases.

Maybe a Maven build could co-exists with the current Ant build. I think many on this list would be happy to help setting the pom.xml. Having the pom.xml maintained by UCAR on the SVN would naturally lead to version management. At some point in the future, if the Maven build is considered mature enough, it could eventually replace the Ant build.

3) code partitioning
we break up our code into several pieces to allow smaller footprints, not
because the code is independent or can be used stand-alone. This is quite
different from using third-party libraries. In this category are:
- grib
- bufrTables
- opendap

It should not be a problem if all the above dependencies do not depend on NetCDF (but NetCDF of course can depend on them), i.e. there is no circular dependencies.

Maven has the concept of "provided" modules. For example NetCDF may requires OPeNDAP for compilation, but whatever OPeNDAP is available at runtime or not is left to the user (he must "provide" himself OPeNDAP if he wants it).

4) artifact creation
we did follow maven directory layout mostly, but not one src tree == one
artifact. One reason we stayed with ant was to allow arbitrary artifact
creation. I would need to know how this is done in maven.

I would need to know more about the actual artifacts to be created in order to provide suggestions. One possible approach: Maven can be configured with "profiles". It can use different compilation options, looks in different directories or performs different tasks depending on which profile is enabled.

It would be helpful for Unidata to manage the pom.xml so others dont have to
guess at the dependencies. However, it will take some time to fit this into our
development, and im not sure how to best solve some of these issues.

Maybe we could help in setting the UCAR source code as a Maven project (to coexist with the Ant script) if you wish? It would be a different thread on the mailing list, after we completed the deployment of existing NetCDF 4.2 artifacts.


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