Le 03/11/10 02:31, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) a écrit :
If someone really wants a single JAR file with everything in it, I would assume
that he is not using Maven, so maybe he would be fine to download the big JAR
file from the UCAR download area?
Nope, I have a use case where e.g., I'd want a *-all.jar in one of my
dependnecies where I'm doing an mvn assembly:assembly type project and I
need to aggregate the jars into an uber jar, included in my lib dir, via the
assembly plugin. It's for a different project (not this one), but I just
threw it out there to illustrate that the use case can crop up from time to
In our project, we created a custom Maven plugin (this is not that hard when
starting from an existing one that we just modify). But I think that there is
also existing tools doing similar work, like "fatjar".
My view is:
* On Maven central, we deploy individual components.
* If a Maven project wants a big JAR file, I think that the merging of
individual JAR files in a big one should be part of the build process.
Not every projects may want the same "big JAR file". Some projects may
want everything except visad, etc. So it is raisonable to leave the
control of "big-file.jar" creation to them.
In case you are curious, our custom Maven plugin is described there (part of its
work overlaps "mvn assembly", but the final result is different):
Feel free to try it, or get the source code and modify for your needs if you