I am wanting to reproject a dataset (in netcdf-3) that is a lat/lon grid
to a Lamber Conformal projection. Before I jump in and write a program
to do this, I was curious if A) there is already a tool in the
toolsUI-4.2.jar that does reprojection, or B) if this can be
accomplished via NcML? If not, then I'll write a translator.
Below is my header if it helps.
Many thanks!!
netcdf /tmp/MESH/ {
Lat = 3000;
Lon = 6200;
Time = 1;
float MESH_Max_720min_Count_175680min_smoothed(Lat=3000, Lon=6200);
:Units = "mm";
:NumValidRuns = -1; // int
float Latitude(Lat=3000);
:Units = "degrees_north";
:long_name = "latitude coordinate";
:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lat";
float Longitude(Lon=6200);
:Units = "degrees_east";
:long_name = "longitude coordinate";
:_CoordinateAxisType = "Lon";
int Time(Time=1);
:Units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00";
:long_name = "time coordinate";
:_CoordinateAxisType = "Time";
:TypeName = "MESH_Max_720min_Count_175680min_smoothed";
:DataType = "LatLonGrid";
:Latitude = 51.0; // double
:Longitude = -127.0; // double
:Height = 0.0; // double
:Time = 1277900503; // int
:FractionalTime = 0.3669999999983702; // double
:attributes = " AccumulationStartTime BackgroundValue ColorMap SubType
Unit smoothingKernel";
:AccumulationStartTime-unit = "dimensionless";
:AccumulationStartTime-value = "1267433859";
:BackgroundValue-unit = "dimensionless";
:BackgroundValue-value = "-99900";
:ColorMap-unit = "dimensionless";
:ColorMap-value = "Count";
:SubType-unit = "dimensionless";
:SubType-value = "00.00";
:Unit-unit = "dimensionless";
:Unit-value = "mm";
:smoothingKernel-unit = "dimensionless";
:smoothingKernel-value = "none";
:LatGridSpacing = 0.009999999776482582; // double
:LonGridSpacing = 0.009999999776482582; // double
:MissingData = -99900.0f; // float
:RangeFolded = -99901.0f; // float
:Conventions = "CF-1.0";
Kevin L. Manross | ** New Address **
CIMMS Research Associate | 120 David L. Boren Bvd
NSSL : WRDD : SWAT | Rm 3923
<kevin.manross@xxxxxxxx> | 405.325.6385 |
"My opinions are my own and not representative of
CIMMS, NSSL, NOAA or any affiliates"